Role Playing Games at Tekko 2024!
Tekko is a non-profit event, run by the Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society (a 501c3 corporation.) Tekko’s annual attendance has reached approximately 10k individuals, and they are continuously adding new content. This year, Tekko is expanding their RPG department to encompass additional styles of game play and gaming discussion panels. We have a wide variety of gaming content and styles of play from popular titles like Dungeons & Dragons 5e and Pathfinder 2e to Avatar Legends and more! You can find the schedule to signup by following the "upcoming games" link under the SCHEDULE dropdown menue at the the top of this page. Please don't sign up until after you have registered for Tekko on this site. Online signups will close the week of the convention, but we will still have walk-up seats available at the convention.
Submit a Game
Games are by no means limited to anime or pop culture themes. We are adding new games to appeal to different audiences. After you are approved, the RPG request further information on the game you would like to run.
GMs with accepted games will be required to pre-register for the convention. Tekko will offer on-site reimbursement based on the number of games approved and performed. GMs will have a choice:
(OPTION 1) If you register as a GM, you will be entitled to a $40 reimbursement for each 4 hours of content for an approved & completed game, up to the full cost of the badge that you purchased.
(OPTION 2) You can register as a full staff member by running two gaming sessions at 4 hours each (which can be broken into 2 hour games if you are running shorter games) and one 4 hour session working at the mustering desk. You will also recieve a complimentary guest badge for a friend or Co- GM, a staff t-shirt, food for lunch and dinner provided for all volunteers each day of the convention, and free access to bag check. If you work at least 18 hours, you will have the chance to be invited to the staff dinner on Sunday night which includes a wide array of food, live entertainment, and drinks.
For example, if you register for a General Admissions badge ($65) and GM a four-hour game, you would be eligible for a $40 reimbursement (or $20 for a 2 hour game slot). If you and a Co-GM who both registered for as staff wanted to offer 3 games that were all approved, you would get a staff badge and a pass for your Co-GM
More information regarding admission to the event can be found by visiting REGISTRATION .
Special Guests!
This year we are proud to welcome Pittsburgh Lodge of Paizo Organized Play for a thrilling selection of Pathfinder and Starfinder games. Also, more to come...