Stage Uzume

Stage Uzume

Living on the fourth floor of the convention center, we are Stage Uzume! Stage Uzume is a cozy, intimate stage where we host events and activities focused on performances by attendees, for attendees! Whether you enjoy listening, singing, or dancing to the music of jpop, kpop, idol anisong, alternative, VGM, jazz, or any genre in between, Stage Uzume has something for everyone to enjoy! Make sure to stop on by and check out what we have to offer!

Dance Competition

One of the few of its kind on the US convention circuit, the Tekko Dance Competition gives individuals and groups a chance to show off their skills in front of a crowd. If you love to dance, enjoy performing with your friends, or are driven by your desire to share one of your favorite artists with the world, this competition is for you!

You must have a valid Tekko badge in order to participate in the dance competition. Eligible badge types include General Admission, Premium, and Rockstar badges.


Please take a moment to read the rules/regulations document linked here , as it goes in depth on all rules/policies regarding the Qualifying Round, performance song selections, eligibility, and responsibilities of performers.

Read the rules/regulations above and ready to apply? Click here !

Competing at Tekko

A mandatory 60-90 minute rehearsal is scheduled for the day of the event. (Specific time TBA to entrants.) During this rehearsal, the order of performances will be provided, competitors will learn the location of stage entrances, exits, and changing facilities, and contestants will be able to practice the openings (and possibly endings) of their dances. Acts failing to attend the rehearsal without valid justification provided before the rehearsal will not be permitted to perform in the actual competition.


Entries are judged using a points-based scoring system. Point totals will not be announced at the competition or otherwise made public, but individuals and groups will have access to their final scores and comments provided by the judges.

Additional information regarding scoring specifics can be found here .

Steel Triangle アイドル: Tekko's Premiere Idol Showcase!

Get your penlights ready and your inner wota ready to tiger: welcome to Steel Triangle アイドル: Tekko's Premiere Idol Showcase! Steel Triangle アイドル is your chance to come out and perform for an audience of fellow fans and enjoyers of idol content. Whether you enjoy overseas idols, cosplay idols, idol anime, or anything/everything in between, Steel Triangle アイドル  has something for everyone to enjoy!

Kpop Cover Fest

Welcome to the Kpop Cover Fest! This event celebrates the amazing kpop dancers in our Tekko community and provides a stage for them to perform on our community stage for everyone to enjoy. If you enjoy dancing and all things kpop, come to Stage Uzume to check out some amazing performers. Make sure to bring the hype!

Idols After Dark

Sometimes, even idols want to just let their hair down and go crazy - and we're here for it! New to Stage Uzume, we're excited to announce Idols After Dark, a showcase of amazing idols and performers showing off content they normally don't get a chance to perform! Whether your choreography is more suggestive than usual for a general audience, or if you have a song that's a little too profane, or what have you, Idols After Dark is your chance to perform those songs where you normally wouldn't be able to. We'd love to see you at Idols After Dark!

Community Performance and Open Mic

We are excited to invite solo/group acts once again to perform on Stage Uzume! Be it dance, music, comedy, readings, or any other types of performance for our all-ages audience, we would love to have your performance on our stage for Tekko congoers to enjoy!

Reminder that this is a community stage for Tekko attendees . All performers are expected to have purchased a Tekko badge (i.e. General, Premium, Rockstar) and will not be allowed to perform without one. In addition, this is specifically to apply for a space on our schedule dedicated to your performance. Regardless of whether or not you are selected, anyone is free to use Stage Uzume during its downtime (listed as “Free Stage” on the schedule), but note that you may be unable to use the A/V equipment.

We have more events coming to Stage Uzume, including random dance plays, group dance meetups, and much more, which will be updated on this page! Stay tuned for future updates!