Registration and Hotel Update

Registration and Hotel Update

Thanks to everyone that has been waiting on updated hotel and registration information. With so many organizations having limited staff resources right now, this has been a very slow process.

Registration Update - Registration for Tekko 2020 in June, will re-open on Saturday April 4th at noon. We have a few more aspects to update before this goes live. In addition, our Group Registration link will also become active. For those that pre-registered for our April dates and are planning on coming to Tekko 2020 in June, you will not need to do anything to update your pre-registration. Your registration will migrate to the new June dates.

Refund & Event Transfer Update - If you are not able to join us on the new dates in June, please fill out the following form before April 5, 2020 at 11:59 PM: . There are a couple of options on how to proceed:

  • Request an “event transfer” to Tekko 2021 (July 22-25, 2021).

  • Request a full or partial refund of the badges associated with your confirmation number. Please note that there will be a minor service charge of 3.5% due to the fees from our credit card processor. Please allow up to 3 to 5 weeks for our team to fully process all refunds due to volume. If you have any questions about the form or the refund process, please email us at .

We do understand that this is not just a financially tenuous time for us. For those requesting a refund, we apologize for the need to pass along the service fees incurred. This endeavor will take time, but we are doing our best to ensure that we are completing refunds as quickly as possible while also expediting the refund process for artists and vendors unable to join us in June.

Hotel Update - The delay on this information has been due to the need to have new contracts with each hotel before processing the transfers. So far we have new contracts with the following hotels:

  • Westin

  • Hampton

  • Even

  • Doubletree (waiting on documentation, verbal confirmation received)

We have asked for specific contact information that you can use to move your reservations. In the meantime, you should be able to use their normal reservation contact numbers to move your reservation to the new dates.

We are still waiting on confirmation from a number of hotels. With the delays we are seeing, please do not hesitate to call to let them know you are looking to transfer. If you have any challenges, we have created a temporary email: . Please let us know what issues you are having.

Thank you all again for all of your patience during this crazy time. Please stay safe.
