COVID-19 Policy

Latest Info for Tekko 2022

Update 6/4/2022

Please understand that the following policy is to reduce exposure in a way that is easily understood and maintainable by both the venue staff and all in attendance. If you have a specific question, please email us at 

Masks will be required . Masks must fully cover your nose and mouth, must securely fit under your chin, and be visible at all times. There are a few things NOT permitted:

  • Masks with valves, cuts, holes, etc.

  • Bandanas, gaiters, or other wraps that do not fit securely under your chin.

  • Face shields.

If you wear glasses there are some suggestions:

  • Choose a mask that has a tighter fit on the nose. This is often accomplished with a nose wire.

  • Glasses can be worn slightly forward so the nosepiece of the glasses is over the mask.

  • Some have recommended anti-fog wipes.

  • Some have recommended soft tape.

Masks will not be provided . Please bring an appropriate mask for your time on the Tekko floor. We do recommend bringing backups for the weekend as well. We do anticipate some purchasable masks in the Exhibition Hall, but we do not know what sorts of volumes will be present and you will need a mask to be on the floor to get into the Hall.

Masks for children . The current information suggests that children ages 2 and above are okay to wear a mask and they will be required. This does mean that anyone under the age of 2 will not be permitted on the floor. We apologize for this inconvenience. 

Cosplay helmets, Fur-heads, etc. will be permitted . They will still need to fully cover the nose, mouth and chin. If they do not, we ask that a mask is worn underneath to compensate.

There will be indoor mask-free seating in designated areas within these locations .

  • Exhibition Hall (Halls B&C)

    • We are expanding the Exhibition Hall space to better account for large traffic.

  • The 2nd floor concourse area along the glass.

  • The 1st floor Hall E (space formerly known as the Underground)

    • We will be staggering the 18+ content originally intended for the Underground throughout the weekend in the existing panel rooms.

Specific details on those locations will be marked on the at-show map.

Everyone must be FULLY Vaccinated. We highly encourage everyone to also get their booster.


Have a negative PCR test dated Monday July 18th, 2022 or later . Yes, we are asking specifically for a PCR test. At the time of this decision rapid tests are showing to be less than 50% accurate in many cases. We do highly recommend that everyone get a vaccination if your medical situation allows.

  • If you need to find a negative test location, we recommend using CURATIVE .

  • We realize that this will cause an influx of test appointments on the 18th and 19th of July. We have been in contact with Curative and if a location does not have opening in the schedule, they will make an effort to create additional opportunities. If you find that a location does not have availability on one of those two dates, please email with the location and time you are trying to schedule.

We will be accepting your physical vaccination card.


Digital confirmation using your digital wallet via VaxYes. import a verified QR code to their cell phone to expedite the verification process. The process ranges from 10-30 minutes. 

VaxYes FAQ -


Why are masks required when many mask requirements are being lifted?

The goal of the policy is to reduce risk. Severe illness is still on the decline, but many are still at high risk.

Why aren’t face shields permitted?

There are still varying views about the effectiveness of face shields. We are allowing helmets, fur-heads, etc as they provide added containment.

Why must it be a PCR test and not an antigen test?

We are asking for PCR tests as they are still considered to be more accurate.

Will you accept a negative at home test?

No, at home test results will not be accepted. To ensure the safety of our community, we will be asking for a formal PCR test done by a pharmaceutical, lab, or medical professional. 

Will we be accepting physical vaccination cards? 

Yes, we will accept physical vaccination cards. We ask that you also bring a form of identification with you as well to verify your identity matches the card.

What if I am not medically able to get the vaccine?

If you are medically unable to receive the vaccine, you will still need to show a negative PCR test upon entry, dated Monday July 18th, 2022 or later.

Are boosters required?

No boosters are not required at this time. We do highly encourage everyone to get a booster if they are able.

Why are you using VaxYes for digital verification? We used this process in December and it greatly expedited the verification process. It is free to use and the QR code can be scanned with multiple devices.

My under 2 child can wear a mask, can they still attend?

No, it is highly recommended NOT to put a mask on a child under two years of age due to increased chances of suffocation. To ensure the safety of our young attendees, those younger than two will not be allowed to attend this year.

My child is 2 years old but has trouble keeping their mask on. Will we be kicked out of the convention?

If your child is continuously removing their mask, you will be asked to consider moving to a mask free zone for a while. These areas will be easy to find. Should your child continuously have issues with keeping a mask on, you will unfortunately be asked to leave the convention center.

Original Article

We are making an update to our attendance policy. For Tekko 2022, this July, we will be asking that everyone in attendance be fully vaccinated . We believe that this is the best decision for the community and is the decision many events are making. This unfortunately does mean that anyone four years of age and younger will not be able to join us until vaccination availability changes. Masks will be required . We are still working on the details of mask requirements and will be communicating those updates as soon as they are available.

We do strongly encourage everyone to get a booster, but they will not be required at this time . This may change in the coming weeks, so please keep an eye out for updates. We are tentatively planning to use VaxYes again, but do still plan to accept paper copies.

Additional information about medical exemptions will be released in a future update.

As always we thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Stay safe!